Michael Rempel
Michael Rempel is Director of the Data Collaborative for Justice at John Jay College. He previously served as Director of Jail Reform at the Center for Court Innovation and, before that, spent many years as the Center’s Research Director. His interests and recent publications concern efforts to safely reduce New York City’s jail population; bail and discovery reform; racial disparities in prosecution; felony case delay; and jail trends since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. He previously served as staff to the Lippman Commission and coauthor of its 2017 report calling for the closure of the infamous Rikers Island jails; and in 2021 coauthored a second report with the Commission offering a data-driven roadmap for minimizing the city’s future reliance on jail. In the past, he frequently studied adult drug courts, court responses to intimate partner violence, and formal risk assessments. He has long been interested in bridging the gap between the worlds of research and policy and, in his earlier research work, participated in evidence-based training and technical assistance initiatives in New York, nationally, and internationally (the latter in partnership with the Organization of American States).