Halfway to History: Progress and Challenges in Closing Rikers Island
Panelist Bios
2pm | Opening Remarks: Reflections at the Five Year Mark
The Honorable Jonathan Lippman, former Chief Judge New York State
Brendan McGuire, Chief Counsel to the Mayor and City Hall
Darren Mack, Freedom Agenda
Panel 1 : Reducing the Jail Population, Building Neighborhoods and Improving Public Safety
Errol Louis (NY1), moderator
The Honorable Matthew D’Emic (Kings County Supreme Court), Wesley Caines (Bronx Defenders), Courtney Bryan (Center for Court Innovation), AU Hogan (LifeCamp), Richard Aborn (Citizens Crime Commission of New York City)
Comptroller Brad Lander
Panel 2 : Design of New Facilities and Civic Considerations
David Brand (CityLimits), moderator
Councilmember Lincoln Restler (District 33), Dana Kaplan (Independent Commission for NYC Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform), Kandra Clark (Queens Neighborhood Advisory Committee), Gilly Delgado (Representative of GunsdownLifeUp)
Panel 3 : Culture Change and Transforming Corrections in NYC
Dean Meminger (NY1), moderator
Michael Jacobson (Institute for State and Local Governance, former NYC Commissioner of Correction), Charles Billups (Grand Council of Guardians), Rev. Sharon White-Harrigan (Women’s Community Justice Association), Ret. Deputy Warden John Gallagher, Elizabeth Gaynes, Former Executive Director of the Osbourne Association
Closing Remarks
Councilmember Carlina Rivera, Chair of Criminal Justice Committee, NYC Council
Karol V. Mason, President, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
5pm | Reception (held in the East End of the Student Dining Hall)
Featured works at the reception and event include visual art and music from participants in the Correctional Health Services art therapy program, the Rikers Public Memory Project, and selected photos from the series “Still Doing Life.”